ALL MODELS WERE ASKED TO ANSWER THE ONE QUESTION IN 500 words. Their Answers were checked using MS Word Count Tool. Here is the QUESTION:
What changes being an E-Style cover model for a month has brought into your life and in your modeling career. And if you win this contest how will you represent E-Style?
FINALIST # 2: (WORD COUNT = 184words)
When I was chosen for the E-Style cover model I had just started out on my modeling journey. The contest helped me in several ways. I learned how to present myself and how to create things like the note card for the contest. The exposure that winning the contest was amazing. I started to get other offers and recognition in the SL modeling world. I was very proud to represent the magazine for the month that I did. I have always considered it one of the best things that has ever happened to me in my modeling career. Winning this contest would be wonderful and I would represent E-Style in a professional and humble manner. Too often winning contests like this can go to a models head. I feel to be the E-Style representative one must always be respectful and approachable. Newer models always look up to people who win and just as I had mentors when I started, so I feel to properly hold this title I need to be willing to do the same.
Thanks for considering me for this important title.
FINALIST # 3 (WORD COUNT = 184words)
Since I have won E-Style cover model of the month, I have
consistantly followed the path of modeling in SL and have been building the skills and confindence it takes. E-Style was my first real big contest win in SL and I truly think it helped me in so many ways for exposure and to get my name out there. I was more then honored and thrilled to grace the cover of the magazine and to have my own swimsuit named after me! To see myself up in the store modeling the swimsuits really has made me feel I have accomplished a huge goal many models strive for. Most importantly, It has reassured the fact that if I believe in myself and never give up, I will achieve my goals.
If I win this contest I would be so honored and I would represent
E-Style with sophistication and grace. I would try to be the best role model I could be for aspiring models and do it, of course, in the most fashionable way! Thank you for taking the time to read my Q&A.
FINALIST #4: (WORD COUNT = 289words)
Upon winning the E-Style contest I made a concerted effort to start modeling school. I wanted to learn to perfect my craft and become the best model I could possibly be. From that time I have attended Evane,Miss Virtual World, Avenue and now Glance. I have learned so much from each of these academies which offer different learning techniques. I have gone on to be in many fashion shows, in-store modeling and print and video appearances. My recent victory was winning Miss Costa Rica Sims which is allowing me to compete in the Miss Virtual World Competition that I am so grateful to be with so many wonderful and talented ladies.
If I was to win the E-style contest I would represent the only way I know how, I would be professional at all times as being a humble being allows for many to take notice and really listen to what you may have to say.
My personality is fitting as I am a representation of all women, from the high fashion to those who just want to make a statement. Down to earth and very humble. Hard working yet easy to approach. I give my time to charity events and other worthwhile causes.
I believe in helping others and giving unselfishly. I have a voice of reason and not easily broken when the chips are down. I talk to others on a daily basis to share with them that everyone is beautiful and unique inside and to keep pushing through and one day they will reach all of their goals however; it comes only after the hard work and time invested.
I represent the RL person behind the keyboard, class, professionalism and a humble being and giving heart.
FINALIST # 5 : (WORD COUNT=189words)
For me being an E-Style cover model brought change into my life because, it made me realize how much by simply being in a publication and having that kind of exposure is good not only for you but it actually may be good for someone else. Shortly after my cover issue came out, I was contacted by an inquisitive young lady, who wanted to know more about modeling and over all how to break -in ,like be in a magazine and walk in shows and do print ads. Of course I was very honored because to me, it takes a lot to approach someone you don not know and " pick there brains", so to speak. So, for me in that moment it was not all about me, it was about so much more and it was nice to share some of the knowledge I do have. As far as my career goes being a Cover Model did help me with experience and just getting out there. If I were to win the ESFM contest, I would represent E-style with tact, class, grace , personality and of course style!
FINALIST # 7: (WORD COUNT= 103words)
It's been a wonderful experience being an E-Style cover model. I have received great responses from my peers as well as from a couple designers which resulted in print work for me. I highly recommend DMG Designs and their sponsers to all my students and friends. I encourage my students to join the DMG conest as it was a fabulous experience for me.
Being the role model I am for many students, having the honor of winning the E-Style cover model of the year contest would allow me to further promote the magazine and their sponsers as well as hold the special title.
FINALIST # 9: (WORD COUNT = 211 words)
Being a cover model for estyle magazine has given me more drive knowing that i can accomplish anything i put my mind to, it has given me a new found confidence and is one step away from my ultimate goal of being on the covers of every magazine and being a well known model.
If I win this contest not only would it be a great privilage to represent E-Stlye but also a huge opretunity to show that i can be one of the best models that have represented E-Stlye.
This is a magazine with an elegant simplicity; Everything comes together to complement the aim of the magazine to make life easy for women who want the best out of life with a little less effort. I would represent E Style by displaying a level of profesionalism which would reflect well on the publication, as well as by helping those who are just starting on their modeling path by both being helpfull and recomending E Style to them as both a source of casual reading as well as an excelent source of information. I already have E Style magizine placed out in my home so that everyone who visits can browse through and also see what a great publication it is.
FINALIST # 10: (WORD COUNT = 331words)
First of all .... Happy Anniversary E-Style!!
E-Style is my first magazine cover and to be Miss October is all the more
sweet since it just so happens to also be one of my most favorite times
of the year! I was so proud of winning this cover, one of the first things
I did was place it on my Flicker site and it wasn't long before I was asked
to add it to other top model flicker sites for SL. It's a little to early to tell
where winning this will lead and even the reality of it all still hasn't
sunk in, but I feel it has been a huge milestone for me as a model and a a
photographer,and one I take great pride in.
If I were lucky enough to win "E-Style's Model of the Year" my goal as
winner would be to spread the news about this inspriring magazine and my
experience that led up to winning model of the month and model of the year.
Promoting the contest of DMG along with all of the fashions from DMG to Tres Beau,
the gifts from all the great sponsors, right down to the runway modeling at DMG and
photoshoots by Braden. It is such a great opportunity for any model and I know so many that would love the challenge but have just not heard about this magazine and what it takes to get on the cover. And the experience of working with designers and associates of E-Style who have been so pleasant and willing to help.
And what would I say to those that are not SL models and don't aspire to be on the cover?
E-style It's chock full of informative, easy reading information from fashions to just about anything going on in SL. With E-Style there is something for everyone and one that you wouldn't want to miss! Just pick up a copy today and see for yourself!
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